Thursday 21 August 2008

Life in Morroco

Above: Rural farm buildings

Here are some pictures from a recent trip to Morocco. It is such a beautiful and diverse country. We really were struck by the contrast of the hectic hustle bustle of the crowded cities and the desolate sandy expanses in the south where not a soul can be seen (although in saying that, we did find that in Morocco no matter how empty and deserted a place, someone is sure to emerge from behind a tree to try and sell you something!)

These pictures (below) communicate the beauty of the adobe buildings, of which there are many in the Atlas mountains- the villages are built into the hillside and blend harmoniously with their environment. They are constructed from the soil and the surrounding land is cultivated to support the village- these villages are a perfect model for sustainable living.

Above: Adobe buildings in the Atlas Mountains

Above: This is just in because im quite proud of the picture!

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