Tuesday 18 November 2008

rural boliva

We arrived in Bolivia in a town called Uyuni in the South. Bolivia is the poorest of all south American countries and also the highest; we got the bus from Uyuni through to Sucre and stopped on route in a town called Potosi which is infact, at 4090m about sea level, the highest town in the world! It is also known as a mining town and was once the worlds largest producer of silver. Unfortunately though it is said that the conditions in the mines are terrible and the life expectancy of a miner is around 10 years. The town itself showed signs of its past glory but is now run down. We then continued on the bus to Sucre, a beautiful colonial city. I have included below some pictures of the rural buildings we passed on our journey.

Below: a pic outside a small town refering to Buth Cassidy- i must look this up. Is this where they had their final showdown?

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