Sunday, 30 November 2008

Iisla de sol, bolivia

To the visitor, the Isla de Sol on Lake Titicaca (Bolivia) is paradise, just paradise.

The island is blessed with vast blue skies, sparkling waters, no cars and due to its altitude boasts spectacular sunsets on a daily basis. For the inhabitants however it is more difficult to earn a living from such an infertile and remote place. Despite the difficulties it was clear there was a strong sense of community on the island and also an accidental approach to sustainable living. The people have developed their own building techniques and use the donkey to get around and they are some of the happiest people i have come across. The island is at present experiencing a bit of a boom in tourism which is perhaps changing things for the islanders- at the moment this is a good thing as the money is absorbed directly into the island economy but who knows what will happen to the place in the future when the developers move in.
Lets hope they don't.

.....and at long last some men actually doing some work in this country!!!!!!

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