Thursday 12 March 2009


Well for the last month this fine ship 'Our Svanen' has been my home- living and working aboard has been quite an education. I have been introduced to the world of tall ships and have fallen in love with it. I suppose as with everything in life there are all of these pockets that you just don't know about because they don't cross your path, but when they do you wonder why on earth you hadn't discovered them earlier!

I have now been aboard for over a month and have fallen in love with the ship and with sailing- all the other vessels that come into port in Sydney i now want to visit and look around. 'Svanen' was originally built in Denmark in 1922 of Danish Oak and she sailed many a high sea prior to coming to Australia as part of the Australian Bicentennial First Fleet Re-Enactment in 1986.

I feel the same way about the ship as i do about old buildings; intrigued by the stories that have been lost with time and by the many feet that have walked over the threshold, or in this case the gangway!

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