Sunday 28 June 2009

karijini visitor centre

This bold building blends into the surrounding landscape very well. The steel walls form a curve and so the building takes on an almost animal like form when you are standing next to it, like it is a snake slithering through the desert. It really was quite a joy to stumble across this building. It was designed by Woodhead International BDH Architects.

Thursday 25 June 2009

west is best

It's Australia's best kept secret, it's the side that less people visit, the side with almost nothing but a rugged and unforgettable coastline. Think whales jumping, dolphins, turtles, sharks, snakes........ the west coast of Australia is unmissable. Our trip stretched from from Cape Leveque in the north west, right down to Perth, clocking up 4400km of sometimes very bumpy road! I felt like David Attenborough in wildlife on one; here are some of the best bits.....

Below: Karijini National Park

Below: The Ningaloo Reef - Exmouth and Coral Bay
Below: Red Bluff
catching dinner!!!
Below: Shark bay
Below: Shell Beach
Below: The Blowholes
Below: Stromatolites (very old rocks!)
Below: The Pinnacles Desert
Below: A couple of random shots

Monday 15 June 2009

sheds galore!

A call to all fellow shed lovers out there- 70kms north of Carnarvon in Western Australia lies a tiny little settlement of fantastic sheds!
The reason most people come to this area is to see the Blowholes; massive torrents of water forced through holes in the rock causing jets to spray violently upward. Anyway, this is not what interested me about this particular place; i just thought the campsite was superb. This is a guess but i think the settlement must have originally come about because of the nearby mining, perhaps it was built as accommodation for the workers? Today the sheds are all marked as individual units and seem to be used as camping shacks. The Aussies love their fishing, the men are real 'mens men' and these units seemed to be decked out to cater for them with the obligatory BBQ outside each shack, where the men can cook their catch. The thing that was so enchanting about the place was that it was very utilitarian, and everyone around seemed to be happy with that.
I absolutely loved this place.